As an official program of the Nebraska 150 Celebration and sponsored by Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska 150 Book Selection Committee chose 150 notable Nebraska books to highlight for the Nebraska 150 Celebration. These books represent the best literature produced from Nebraska during the past 150 years and highlight the varied cultures, diverse experiences and the shared history of Nebraskans.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As told to Alex Haley)1

Wild Seasons: Gathering and Cooking Wild Plants of the Great Plains1

Strange Angels1

A Lantern in Her Hand (Puffin Classics)1

The Man with the Strange Head and Other Early Science Fiction Stories (Bison Frontiers of Imagination)1

My Antonia1

O Pioneers!1

One Of Ours1

Rain Dogs1

The Patient in Room 181

Nebraska: Stories1

In Reach (Flyover Fiction)1

Sing Them Home: A Novel1

A Perfect Evil (Maggie O'Dell Book 1)1

Dating Dead Men: A Novel (William Shakespeare's Star Wars)1

Goodnight, Nebraska (Vintage Contemporaries)1

The Home Place1

"Tell Me a Riddle" Tillie Olsen (Women Writers: Texts and Contexts)1

Nebraska Folklore (Second Edition)1

A Different Plain: Contemporary Nebraska Fiction Writers1

Haven's Wake (Flyover Fiction)1

Best of Prairie Schooner: Fiction and Poetry1

Beyond the Veil of Stars1

The Meaning of Names1

The Swan Gondola: A Novel1

Bohemian Girl (Flyover Fiction)1

Hector's Bliss: Black Homesteaders at Goose Lake, Nebraska1

Ma Jeeter's Girls1

Sixteen Brides1

Mid Country; Writings From the Heart of America1
Take All to Nebraska1

Bag in the Wind1



Prairie Friends (I Can Read Level 3)1

A Perfect Snowman1

Far Far Away1

'89 Walls1

Light on the Prairie: Solomon D. Butcher, Photographer of Nebraska's Pioneer Days1

The House without a Christmas Tree (The Addie Mills Stories Book 1)1

Eleanor & Park1

Night of the Twisters1

The Rithmatist1

The Christmas of the Phonograph Records: A Recollection1

Winter Thunder1


C is for Cornhusker: A Nebraska Alphabet (Discover America State by State)1

Little Nebraska (Little State)1

Standing Bear of the Ponca1

Pioneer Girl: A True Story of Growing Up on the Prairie1

Elsie's Bird1

Catalyst (Control Duology)1

Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems1

Going North (Bccb Blue Ribbon Picture Book Awards (Awards))1

Together Apart1

The Gift of the Sacred Dog (Reading Rainbow Book)1

A few great stories of the Santee people,: Told by many nineteenth century Santee and by Edna Peniska and Paul Robertson of the modern Santee1

Sister Sweet Ella1

The Red Umbrella1

Prairie Songs1

Room One: A Mystery or Two1


A Guide to the Ghosts of Lincoln1

Simpson's Sheep Won't Go To Sleep!1

Billy and Blaze: A Boy and His Pony1

The Mystery Of Life: A Poetization Of "the Hako"--a Pawnee Ceremony...1

Cheyenne Line1

Potato Soup1

The Collected Poems of Weldon Kees (Third Edition)1

Nebraska: This Place, These People1

Delights & Shadows1

Nebraska Presence: An Anthology of Poetry1

Forty Nebraska Poets1

Heartwood & Other Poems1

A Cycle of the West: The Song of Three Friends, The Song of Hugh Glass, The Song of Jed Smith, The Song of the Indian Wars, The Song of the Messiah1

Divine Honors (Wesleyan Poetry Series)1

Lost in Seward County1

All My Grandmothers Could Sing: Poems By Nebraska Women1

Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence1

The Niobrara: A River Running through Time1

A Godly Hero: The Life of William Jennings Bryan1

Death Zones and Darling Spies: Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting (Studies in War, Society, and the Militar) (Studies in War, Society, and the Military)1

Lincoln in Black and White: 1910-1925 (Images of America)1

When I Was a Young Man: A Memoir by Bob Kerrey1

This Death by Drowning1

Prairie University: A History of the University of Nebraska1

The Nature of Home: A Lexicon and Essays1

Local Wonders: Seasons in the Bohemian Alps (American Lives)1

The Children's Blizzard1

The Lewis and Clark Journals (Abridged Edition): An American Epic of Discovery1

Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist1

A Harmony of the Arts: The Nebraska State Capitol (Great Plains Photography)1

Nebraska: An Illustrated History, Second Edition (Great Plains Photography)1

The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder: And Other True Stories from the Nebraska–Pine Ridge Border Towns (Plains Histories)1

Platte Valley chronicles: Tales from Nebraska's Pioneer Trails1

The Rhythm Boys of Omaha Central: High School Basketball at the '68 Racial Divide1

The Great Platte River Road: The Covered Wagon Mainline via Fort Kearny to Fort Laramie (Great Plains Photography)1

The Nebraska Sand Hills: The Human Landscape1

Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux1

More Than Football: George Flippin's Stromsburg Years1

Fighting Liberal: The Autobiography of George W. Norris, Second Edition1

History of Nebraska1

More Than Winning: The Story of Tom Osborne1

Omaha's Trans-Mississippi Exposition1

The Middle of Everywhere1

A State of Readers Nebraska's Carnegie Libraries1

Standing Firmly by the Flag: Nebraska Territory and the Civil War, 1861-18671

Nebraska's Post Office Murals: Born of the Depression, Fostered by the New Deal1

Cheyenne Autumn, Second Edition1

Old Jules1

Nebraska: Under a Big Red Sky (Great Plains Photography)1

No Time on My Hands1

I Am a Man: Chief Standing Bear's Journey for Justice1

Women Elders' Life Stories of the Omaha Tribe: Macy, Nebraska, 2004-20051

People of the First Man: Life Among the Plains Indians in Their Final Days of Glory: The Firsthand Account of Prince Maximilian's Expedition Up the Missouri River, 1833-341

Being home: A collection of essays about the simple joys of family, nature, life beyond the big city, and the sacredness of the ordinary1

Fire Light: The Life of Angel De Cora, Winnebago Artist1

It's Not the End of the Earth, but You Can See It from Here: Tales of the Great Plains1

Encyclopedia of the Great Plains1

Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Indians1

An Unspeakable Sadness: The Dispossession of the Nebraska Indians1

From Society Page to Front Page: Nebraska Women in Journalism1

Historic Railroads of Nebraska1

Ham, Eggs, and Corn Cake: A Nebraska Territory Diary1

The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska, Second Edition1

Dirty, Wicked Town (Omaha)1

Fort Robinson and the American West, 1874–18991

Solomon D. Butcher: Photographing the American Dream1

The Cottonwood Tree: An American Champion1

Populism, Progressivism, and the Transformation of Nebraska Politics, 1885-19151

Mari Sandoz's Native Nebraska (NE) (Images of America)1

Tales of the 04 Ranch: Recollections of Harold J. Cook, 1887-19091

Mayor Helen Boosalis: My Mother's Life in Politics1

The Natural History of the Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1819-1820)1

All the Strange Hours: The Excavation of a Life1

On Ancient Wings: The Sandhill Cranes of North America (Natural History)1

Black Print with a White Carnation: Mildred Brown and the Omaha Star Newspaper, 1938-1989 (Women in the West)1

Nebraska: A Guide to the Cornhusker State1

Nebraska Place-Names (New Edition) by Lilian L. Fitzpatrick (1960-10-01)1

Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region (1919)1

Once Upon a Town: The Miracle of the North Platte Canteen1
The Art Spirit: Notes, Articles, Fragments of Letters and Talks to Students, Bearing on the Concepts and Technique of Picture Making, the Study of Art Generally, and on Appreciation1

In Cold Storage: Sex and Murder on the Plains (Law in the American West)1

Backstage: Stories from My Life in Public Television1

Keith County Journal1

A Sea of Grass: The Tall Grass Prairie1